Saturday, January 13, 2007

Will India Destroy the United States?

Simon Jones

The title to this article may sound extreme. You be the judge.
After responding recently to articles about the Indian invasion of America, I was finally encouraged to write an article about my experiences in the high-tech industry. Because of severance agreements, the names of my former company and former coworkers have been changed.
I am a computer programmer, and have been for 15 years. I worked for a company TechnoDataCode inCalifornia for 6 years, and I was the director of one of the R&D projects. About a year ago, most of the other American employees and I were fired and replaced with people from India on H-1B and L-1 visas. The people from India were making only a fraction of what we Americans were making. I was making $110K a year; my replacement,$37K. The people under me were making about $75K;their replacements, about $29K. To keep my severance pay, I was required to stay on for an additional six months (after the otherAmericans were fired) to train the replacements.

This was probably the most humiliating experience of my life.What I describe above is happening now every day. Many of my friends in high-tech have also recently been fired, and are being replaced with cheap imported labor from India or China. Microsoft says there is a"high-tech shortage," which is a lie. Almost everyAmerican programmer I know is now unemployed and has been replaced by a cheap import. There is not a"shortage." Big business only wants more cheap labor.But the story only gets better....You would think that the Indians would be appreciative of being allowed to work in the United States, but this was very far from the case. Most of their conversations involved extreme hatred of America, Americans, and anyone of European descent.

Here are some examples of their daily conversations:* Indians are the real "Aryans." The Human Genome Project shows that Indians are closely related to Africans. Thus Indians and Africans are the real"Aryans." * All people of European descent (i.e. all whites) must be exterminated * Blond hair and blue eyes are inferior traits. By the year 2090, all people with blond hair and blue eyes will either be bred or executed out of existence.* One day India will invade and take over. It is India's destiny to rule over whites.* Christianity is a disease that can only be cured with a bullet Although most of the Indians were Hindu, a few were Muslim, and they were quite openly fond of Bin Laden. The Hindus, however, seemed to hate white Americans just as much as if not more than the Muslims. On this they could agree. And then there is the story about Praveen. Praveen, a Hindu from Northern India, was often very"touchy" with me and the other Americans. He wasalways shaking our hands and patting us on the backs.I noticed too that after touching me he often left"red marks" on my clothes, and on others' clothes. There was also a break room that only a few Americans frequented. (Indians never visited it.) And Praveen was always in there tampering with the coffee machine.After seeing him one day pricking himself with a safety pin to make himself bleed, it all came together. He was trying to transmit his blood to others - either by direct contact or by putting it in the coffee machine.Come to find out, he was HIV+ and was trying to transmit it to the Americans. Praveen went back to India shortly after that, so nocriminal action was able to be taken. But a few of the other Indians did transmit HIV to a couple of the American women - and seemed very proud of it. Management of the company was informed of this, but they did very little to look into it. When I told our CEO that I suspected that the Indians were spreading HIV around the workers, he called me a "racist" and told me to be quiet.I'm sure he was aware of what was going on - but simply did not care. Cheap labor is cheap labor, that is the bottom line for big business.The only loyalty of big business is profit, and they could care less about American workers, American values, or the well-being of the United States. And what about the future of America?Are we going to auction off every American job to low-paid imports until there are no good American jobs left? Are we going to let third-world hordes takeover our high-tech sector until not a single Americanis left in any important position? The only effective and patriotic way to stop this is by massive deportations of all the cheap labor fromIndia and China. Otherwise, with the help of big business, we are well on our way to becoming a third-world country.


Blogger Unknown said...

hey ... nice topic relly .. i am kareem from Egypt i am a dentist...

but tell me are these people who tried to transmit Aids ar muslim???

this is my mail to answer me

8:34 AM  
Blogger Mukesh Speak said...

H-1B as a remedy for labor shortages and as a means of hiring "the best and the brightest" from around the world (which I

strongly support), the vast majority are ordinary people doing ordinary work. Instead of being about talent, H-1B is about cheap labor.

H-1B visa holders may only work for sponsoring employers after approval by the Departments of Labor and Homeland Security.

Although most of the non-compliant H-1B workers had posted wages from employers in fields associated with technical or

specialty occupations, the report noted that one H-1B worker had earnings from a restaurant and janitorial service.

H-1b visa

1:35 AM  

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