Saturday, September 23, 2006

Did you Know…………..

Here are some amazing facts I came across while reading the January/February 2003 issue of World Watch.

Time it takes to grow 1 inch of soil………………………1000 years

Time it takes to erode and wash away
one-third of the topsoil in the United states……………….40 years

Number of fish caught by a single
Norwegian boat in 1986……………………………………120 MILLION

Number of people in Norway………………………………4 MILLION

Kilograms of toxic chemicals
that would be removed from
the environment each year if
U.S. homeowners reduced their
use of pesticides by 10%……………………………………2 MILLION

Kilograms of toxic chemicals
that would be removed from
the environment each year if
U.S. manufacturing firms reduced
their releases by 10%………………………………………..700 MILLION

Number of pieces of live coral broken
off from reefs (which are habitat to 1 million species)
and purchased by Americans each year……………………..350,000

Number of pieces purchased
by the rest of the world……………………………………….90,000



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