Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stereotyping of American- born Hispanic and Asian Americans-
Is it fair?

Read what the following people have to say about it.

Richard Lopez, a Mexican American-

“Nobody ever put a roadblock in front of me. I earned my way into college, and it offended me when people asked if I was receiving affirmative action. I think a lot of whining about discrimination is blown out of proportion. The biggest thing holding a lot of Mexicans back here is there resentment against those who succeed.”

Ray Chin, a Chinese American-

“Yes, we can successfully join the mainstream, but once we reach a certain level, we’re stifled by that glass ceiling. People think that we Asians can take care of ourselves, and they don’t see the need to help us. But it’s not true. We are still not included in things and we have to work three times harder to get to the same level as our co-workers.

Juan Santiago, while working at a construction site –

All the workers were Mexicans, and the white owners had no respect for them. The work was very hard, the pay was very low, and there was no overtime. They tried to exploit me too, but I knew my rights and I wouldn’t let them. Until then, I never really understood what discrimination was.”

Harry Pachon –

I see Latinos trying to distance themselves from their roots as they react to the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment. But I keep asking, how does an Anglo driving down the street pick out which Latino is native-born, which is a refugee, which is undocumented

Mario Vargas –

“People have this idea that we are coming here in industrial quantities to invade America and go on welfare. The truth is that most of us were born here, we are working hard or going to school. ‘But these days the stereotypes are making it harder for the rest of us.”

Juan Garcia-

I’ve been living here 13 years and my English is still poor, so I can’t always defend myself. Once you become civilized, you don’t want to go back to a village with no lights or running water.”

I wonder how many immigrants and their children feel the same way as Juan Garcia. I bet many. I guess some people would rather prefer being humiliated while living in a foreign land that gives them a better life than live in poverty in their own land.


Latino Americans- a closer look at the racist remarks made against the Latino Americans of Siler City, North Carolina.

Ruth Tapia, a Latino American, was at a health clinic and an employee of the clinic approached her and asked her “Do you speak-ee English?”
Her reply, “No I don’t speak-ee, I speak English.”

David Duke, a former Klansman and Louisiana state representative –

“Either you get the INS to kick the illegal aliens out, or you’ll lose your community and heritage”.

63-year-old Clyde Jones –

“Mexicans took my job and my family’s starving. My ancestors fought for this country and they took it away without a shot.”

David Duke (again)-

We’re not going to solve the problems of Mexico by turning America into another Mexico. Siler City is a symbol of what’s happening in America. If you don’t do something now, you’re going to be outnumbered and outvoted in your country.”

And here’s one Latino American, Wilfredo Hernandez’s reasons for having lived in Siler City amidst racial hostility;

“All I wanted to do was have a job, have a descent life and give everything that I wanted to my family. I never wanted anyone to like me because of the color of my skin. I just want to have a job and go on with my life.”


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